Episode 3

3- To Weigh or Not To Weigh?

In today’s episode of Weight Loss for Female Executives Who Travel, we’re tackling a question that so many women wrestle with: To weigh or not to weigh? 

The scale is often seen as the ultimate measure of progress in a weight loss journey, but is it the right tool to focus on? How frequently should you weigh yourself, if at all? Today, I’ll be sharing my personal perspective on weighing, how I use it with my clients, and when the scale can be helpful—or harmful—depending on your relationship with it. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • The scale is a tool, but it doesn’t define your worth or dictate your day. 
  • Building a neutral relationship with the scale allows you to treat it as one data point among many, rather than giving it the power to influence your mood or actions. 
  • I share my personal approach of weighing three times a week, and how I use the scale as a positive reinforcement for my goals—without obsessing over daily fluctuations. 
  • We explore when the scale is useful for tracking long-term trends and how it can help you understand your body's patterns, but also discuss when it’s time to take a break from weighing. 
  • Learn how to apply a mindset model to shift your thoughts about the scale, moving from emotional reactions to logical, empowered choices. 
"The scale doesn’t define you—how you think about the number does. It’s time to take back the power and stop letting a number dictate your self-worth." 

Action Step: Reflect on your current relationship with the scale. Are your thoughts about the number leading to frustration or self-doubt? Consider taking a break from weighing yourself for a few weeks and focusing on other ways to measure progress. Approach the scale with curiosity, not judgment. 

Further resources: 

About the Podcast

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Weight Loss for Female Execs Who Travel

About your host

Profile picture for Karen Gombault

Karen Gombault

I’m Karen, and I know firsthand the challenges of balancing a passionate career with personal health.

As a former CEO with 30 years in corporate leadership, I’ve lived the pressures of work, travel, raising a family and emotional eating.

For years, I tried every diet, counting calories and macros, even training for marathons, but nothing worked long-term.

It wasn’t until I focused on how I thought about myself and my weight that I finally lost the last 10 pounds and have kept it off over 7 years.

Now, as a coach and mentor, I help ambitious women think differently and lose weight permanently.